Wednesday, 29 December 2010
More Waxwing's
Monday, 27 December 2010
Bittern in the Valley
Friday, 24 December 2010
Jack says thankyou to the Harvey's for his lovely lunch x
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Wader fest at Masey
Sunday, 19 December 2010
High Tide Wader Count
jack snipe
280 Black-Tailed Godwit
230 Dunlin
90 Redshank
14 Common Snipe
2 Jack Snipe
2 Grey Plover
1 Golden Plover (over)
1 Common Sandpiper
12 Lapwing
These are really good counts considering the small roosting space, will post other totals in the near future.
Other highlights were 3 red head Smew on the river forced by the continuing cold snap (a rainham site tick for me) and probably more suprising was the 1st winter Ring Ouzel that has been reported several tmes which we picked up along cold harbour lane and along the entrance to the barges.
Other birds of note were numbers of Skylark, Redwing and Fieldfare moving around and a Common Buzzard mobbed by crows.
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Waxwings on the patch
Mighty Masey at dawn
Brent Goose
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Cold weather movement part deux !
Aveley bay
Good number of waders were seen on both sides of the river mainly involving Dunlin and smaller numbers of Redshank, Black-tailed godwit and several each of Grey Plover and curlew with a single Ruff.
who's that in the goaty ?
its Mo de niro !!
A walk to the tip to scan for gull's we find a stunning pair of Yellowhammer along the cycle track a scarcity now at rainham and for most london sites, on the tip we find a 1st winter Caspian gull and an adult Yellow-legged gull but no white wingers.
A call from Dom and Dave C to say they have had a Lap Bunt on the serin mound was all to brief and coudn't be relocated after its original sighting, hopefuly it will stay as there is quite a large flock of mixed finches for company.
Friday, 3 December 2010
Awesome Rainham
imm drake Eider
Grey Plover
Cant remember having heard of a flock of that size in the London area in my time and glad i was there to witness this great spectacle.
A Short-eared owl hunting around the Car-park ended a good mornings birding.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Cold weather movement
female wigeon
little egret
This bird was rescued at work in the week and like the previous tawny owl was caught between windows with help from Huckleberry and Mat the Cat it was a successful catch and release.