
Monday, 28 September 2015

Wader Ringing 25/9/15

Had a great session with the WWRG (wash wader ringing group) friday night, my first go at mist netting for waders through the night.

Good experience, very tiring and very exciting. We set the nets up around midnight and caught a few redshank in the early hours but it wasn't until an hour before high tide (around 4am!) that it really produced in numbers, extracting in darkness with nothing but the moonlight was a real challenge.


Taking Bio's on Knot

Knot release

Wing measuring Dunlin 

Walking on and off the marsh was fun too! good job we put some markers out during daylight.

Ringing Totals:

Redshank 50
Knot 10
Dunlin 17

Monday, 21 September 2015

Pitsea Catch 19/9/15

First gull ringing session of the Autumn/Winter season resulted in a small catch today, it was a very warm day and the birds were not really interested in feeding, but we finally got some birds into the catch area late morning.


Great Black-backed Gull        6
Lesser Black-backed Gull      1
Herring Gull                           89
Yellow-Legged Gull               1

These big brute was hanging around the tip face and was one of several adult Y-L seen.

Couple of 1w seen around to.

Found this Putative Caspian to.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Urban Chat

Finally added a long overdue Mayesbrook Park site tick this morning, a pre work Whinchat! the parks been crying out for one of late, and with some decent habitat management and what seems to be one of the best autumns for this species in London, it was great to finally find one here.

The Siskin invasion has even reached here, with several flocks moving north and a steady movement of mipit south.

Late afternoon the Whinchat is still present and managed a few pictures, its always easier getting closer to a single bird than a family group.

Siskin still moving through this evening and even flushed a grounded Skylark, have only had these on passage over before.

The Wigeon is still here and has moved onto south lake.

This Green Woodpecker was busy feeding.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Staying Local

Smashed the patch this morning and had some good birds but still lacking any real quality, couldn't complain though had four patch year ticks in the shape of flyby Redpoll and Siskin and a bonus Turtle Dove south and a Spot fly around the cordite.

Best of the rest were at least 13 Whinchat on site, Wheatear, constant Yellow wag and House Martin movement, Barn Owl, Marsh Harrier, Bearded Tits, Pintail, Greenshank.

The foreshore held a single Avocet, 3 Turnstone amongst the Dunlin & Ringed plover at least 13 Seal hauled up on the far side were by far my highest count.

Star bird of the day goes to this Spotted Redshank found by Vince at the Dagenham chase this morning having earlier been seen at Fairlop by Alan bell, first since may 1992 and a site tick for myself.