Friday 18 April 2014

Staying Local

Started the morning on the patch and star bird for me was a Common Whitethroat (that I'm sure is the male I rung from last year) singing from exactly the same bush, and is holding the same territory! And of course sporting his bling!  How cool is that!  Just need to get a mist net back out to confirm.

Also seen was a Lesser Whitethroat singing along the ditch - again possibly last years returning bird?? Im sure I rung the female, so will keep my eyes pealed.

Three Blackcaps and a single Chiffchaff were seen along with half a dozen Sand Martin, a steady trickle of Swallows and at least seven Wheatear, one being rather obliging.

Next stop was Rainham Marshes where highlights here was a fly over Red Kite, two stonking White Wagtail both ringed & little ringed plovers, and a good passage of sand martin through.

Sedge Warblers have arrived in good numbers, Cetti's all over the place with odd Reed warbler and Common Whitethroat too.

Bearded Tit and a pair of Marsh Harrier were also seen.


  1. Nice birds Paul, It's all roses at the moment.

  2. Great Wheatear pics and cool news on the Whitethroat :-)
