Sunday 29 May 2011

East Side

Shaunboy and myself head to Breydon water this morning to hopefully connect with yesterdays Broad-billed sandpiper which unfortunately departed. having not seen one for over twenty years i was also quite keen to see this eastern vagrant wader, but was not to be!

After an hour's search we then moved south stopping at Lowestoft harbour where we spent some time photographing the local Kittiwake colony.

A brief visit to Dunwich Heath on the way home produced a family party of both Dartford Warblers and Woodlark which both showed well considering the blustery conditions.

Sunday 15 May 2011

This Week......

Been busy this week not much time for birding but did manage to see the Temminck's Stint found by dick at the viewing area at the Ingrebourne Valley on Tuesday evening a cracking little bird and a great site tick (and i think first record).

Got out early doors this morning and was rewarded with a calling Pheasant at Barking Bay was new for the year.

Another visit to the Ingrebourne produced an all to brief Spotted Flycatcher (sorry shaunboy) my first of the year and two cracking adders

Friday 6 May 2011

Dotterel and Deer

Filthy twitched four Dotterel that were on Cheese foot head in Winchester on Tuesday while working away in nearby Southampton, cracking birds in spring just a shame they were a bit distant.

Saw this Roe deer in the Forest.

Im off


Monday 2 May 2011

Another Spring Whinchat

Strong Easterlies but clear blue skies meant the river was pretty quiet at Barking Bay this morning bar some left over waders from the weekend including 8 Whimbrel, 2 Bar-wit, 2 Grey Plover and a single Ringed.

The 1st summer Mediterranean is still Knocking around a fine male Whinchat (my second this spring) was amongst the 8 Wheatears still present, and a fly over Hobby was new for the year.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Wader Fest Contiues

The Bay continues to draw in the migrating waders on Saturday we find at least 21 Bar-tailed Godwits, 3 Greenshank, 5 Whimbrel, 3 Grey Plover, 2 Ringed Plover and 2 Dunlin.

Six spanking adult Black Terns were also found mid river amongst the usual Common Terns.

Sunday's Highlight were 2 Little Stint found by Mo on the rising tide and were also site tick for both of us.

Bar Invaision

Me and Mo had a good river watch on Friday with a brisk north easterly predicted we watched the Thames at Barking and some good numbers of Bar-Tailed Godwits were seen numbering at least twenty birds which was part of a massive influx around the country.

Also a single Greenshank, Common Sandpiper, Dunlin and 2 Ringed Plover, 1st summer Med Gull in the Bay and several flyover Yellow Wags and the Corn Bunting reappeared for Mo.

Med Gull


A couple of pics digicoped with the I phone.