Monday 30 May 2016


I was lucky enough to be involved in ringing some young Peregrines last week at a private site that Dave Mo monitors.  Three young birds were colour ringed, they were about two & a half weeks old and consisted of a male and two female birds.

Great news as last years attempt ended in failure.

She won't be happy with her initials when she grows up!!

Monday 16 May 2016

Local Quality.

Fantastic birding was to be had at the end of last week.  Firstly on Thursday when a Great-White Egret graced the target pools at rainham, my third one at this site.  Andy finds a late colour ringed  Stone Curlew on wennington (again my third for site), and two Black Terns hawked over aveley pools.  All birds viewable from the serin mound at once!

Saturday afternoon saw me venture a little further east along the A13 to nearbye Vange RSPB to see both Black-winged stilt (pair off), and a superb female Red-footed falcon.  The latter my first for some years now since the seventy acres lake bird up in the lea valley.

Hopefully we will get another at rainham to complete my treble here to.

This little fledgling was along the cycle path at the west end of Rainham, I thought it was all alone until mum pheasant came out and attacked me Capercaillie style!

Sunday 15 May 2016


I was fortunate to ring some Little Egrets up in the lea valley last weekend, third year for me now, Always great to see these little chaps up close, six birds colour ringed in total on todays visit.

Seven egret nest's found this year, up one from last year's count at this site.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Weekend Wheatears

Last bank holiday brought good numbers of northern Wheatears on the patch with double figure counts daily, At least half a dozen Whinchat across the reserve, a very elusive wryneck for most!
Garden Warbler, Cuckoo and Hobby.

Patch year list: 121