Friday 27 December 2013


News breaking on boxing day of the discovery of a Brunnichs Guillemot, a high arctic species related to our own common guillemot, was sure enough having most birders chomping at the bit - but that they had to do the decent thing and visit the in-laws rather than go twitching.  Unless you are abnormal of course!

Arriving at 09:30 and already a couple of hundred birders present, the bird had done a bunk and was feeding out somewhere in the main harbour.  Fortunately the bird returned (after giving us the run around) to its favoured roosting mooring!

The bird was giving excellent views and if you were lucky enough to be standing in the right position when the bird surfaced you could have been lucky to grab a half decent pic.  I unfortunately did not get lucky, but none the less was more than happy seeing this Mega rare bird.

With a supporting cast of a GLOSSY IBIS in Weymouth and a LESSER YELLOWLEGS at Lepe Country Park (Hants), and of course seeing Great northen diver and Black guillemot it wasn't a bad day out.

Sunday 22 December 2013

Med Gull City

Popped to nearby Valentines Park (Ilford) to hopefully grab a few pics of Valentino, now amazingly back for his Fourteenth winter.

With a few slices of bread he can be tempted of the middle of the lake and onto the nearby green.

On the way home had a quick nut around South Park, which as the crow flies is just a mile from my home and found another adult Med, this bird being un-ringed.

Just proves how well this species is doing now, maybe in another 20 years they may out number the bhg's !!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

East Tilbury

A High tide survey at East Tilbury today was fairly quiet, the regular Avocet flock was peaking at 850 birds and the usual other species included Dunlin, both Grey & Ringed plover's and a few Blackwit seen.

A single Marsh Harrier through, two Green sands over and a Goldeneye on the tip pool were the highlights of a very dull day!! lets hope the weather changes soon.

Saturday 7 December 2013


December's low tide survey along the Hoo peninsula produced all the usual suspects + our highest count of Black-Tailed godwits of the winter which were over the 2000 mark !! 

Both Peregrine and Merlin noted again alongside the regular Marsh Harrier and Buzzard.

Seven Corn Buntings were my highest count at this site, and Two PINKFEET were new site ticks and were found amongst the regular Greylag flock.




non plastic ducks

Corn bunts

  Whats that, Who, A, Cant hear Ya...........