Tuesday 24 November 2015

Great-Northern Diver, Fairlop 24/11/15

Today started with a survey at East Tilbury which produced a single Red-throated diver & 2 Common Scoter east.  A big increase in waders and a dozen Corn Bunting being the highlights.

Fairlop waters country park held this fine Great-Northern Diver that SB found on Sunday.

Best views I've had of one in London, with previous birds normally a distant blob on the big reservoirs up in the lea valley!

Shame about the dull light, but a cracker none the less.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Fudge Duck, Dagenham Chase 22/11/15

Cant see much wrong with today's female Ferruginous duck found by Vince at the Chase this morning, and is almost certainly the same individual that's was present a couple of winters ago.

A Scaup was also present often in the company of the fudge duck.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Short-eared owl - Hoo peninsula 8/11/15

Todays survey started well with myself and Mo picking up a very late WHINCHAT along the entrance track to our survey site.  I can't remember ever seeing one so late before.

Further on we both had MERLIN on our transit, with two sparring over a meadow pipit along the seawall last knockings.

Star bird though was this cracking Short-eared owl, which showed very well on our return route.

Other birds of note were several groups of Lesser Redpoll, Water Pipit, Peregrine pair, double figure Marsh harrier and several Green sandpiper.

plenty of stonechat around still