Monday 27 June 2011

Fledging in full swing

An early doors visit Rainham RSPB, still one of my all time favourite haunts seemed unsurprisingly quiet as spring migration has almost come to an end.

adult reed warbler

reed (ive just came out the nest)

adult sedge

recently fledged sedge

Was nice too see plenty of Reed and Sedge warblers feeding young and plenty of male birds singing for there second sessions, as well as a Gropper reeling near the serin mound.

juv Stock Dove

A pair of Curlew in aveley bay were the only waders of note, and a couple of cuckoo and a male Peregrine was seen.

this shrew obviously couldn't handle the excitement!!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Have a break have a kit-kat.

Visited some Thameside Peregrines this morning before moving onto the Patch and was not alone, this little beast was following me around and even tried to leg it with my camera bag!!

So we shared breakfast ( a kit-kat) before going on our separate ways.

Barking Bay held 9 Common Scoter for twenty minutes before flying back down river, the Common Tern colony is now in full swing with many fledglings seen as well as a brood of shelduck no older than a couple of days.

Common Scoter

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Roller- upper hollelsey, Suffolk.

Week night twitches are most welcome during the late spring/early summer and last nights was no exception when a stunning adult ROLLER was discovered on upper hollelsey common in Suffolk, having never twitched one before in over twenty years this was the perfect opportunity to add to my British and world list.

Myself, Bradders and the Monkey all meet up after work and it wasn't long before we were heading up the A12 and made great time on what is normally a nightmare of a road during rush hour.

Out the car and there it was, what a SUPERB, STUNNING bird and we was never tired of watching it as it hawked bee's and caught what looked like a worm as it patrolled the MOD base perimeter fence at a distance of probably 200-300 metres, bit distant for the camera but stunning scope views.

Several high fives later with Shaunboy and Dirty Dick it was off for a celebratory fish supper where the roll continued in discovering a superb male Stag Beetle which seem to take a fancy to me before flying off to a near bye garden.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Vange RSPB

An early morning stroll around Vange wick RSPB produced an Immature Spoonbill and a drake Garganey but no sign of yesterdays red-backed shrike.