Sunday 10 July 2011

Porthgwarra 9th July

Just got back from a day's seawatching with Bradders and the Monkey, with large movements of Cory's seen in the week we took a chance of finding our own.

Arriving at 05:30 we had drove from London over night so very tired but very excited, within five minutes we scored with a Cory's Shearwater that bradders picked up just beyond the Runnel stone, excellent start but it wasn't for another 8 hours that i picked up a second bird at a similar distance.

Well pleased we gave up at 16:00 as the weather got pretty warm and clear we headed for some well earned beverages!!

Days totals:

2 Cory's Shearwater
12 Sooty
12 Balearic
c500 Manx
12+ Storm Petrel
10+ Puffin
7 Pomarine Skua
5 Arctic
2 Med Gull (1ad, 1juv)
25+ Kittiwake
2 Raven
juv Great spotted Woodpecker
Basking Shark
c10 Common Dolphins

Left for home Sunday morning via Exeter and succesfuly located the 1st summer Bonaparte's Gull on the Exe estuary at Lympstone, cracking little bird and only my third in Britan but a lifer for the Monkey.

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